Wisconsin’s LARGEST and longest running animal rights organization

Alliance For Animals is a non-profit animal rights organization that was formed in 1983 to promote the ethical, compassionate treatment of all animals. Contact us at alliance@allanimals.org or 608-509-6440. We are able to answer emails faster than phone calls, thanks!

Want the world to know you stand up for animals?

WE HAVE MERCH! Check out our new AFA merchandise store - they make great gifts too!

Tired of advertising DAIRY on your Wisconsin license plates?

Purchase a set of two “Cow Hell” stickers for your plates for only $5. Email us here to tell us you’d like us to mail them to you! alliance@allanimals.org

Wisconsin’s Latest Issues

  • Ridglan Farms

    In Dane County, outside of Mount Horeb a For Profit facility keeps over 4,000 beagles locked in cages, under 24/7 fluorescent light, to be sold for unnecessary, painful, cruel, animal testing.

  • Gassing The Geese

    The City of Madison uses TAXPAYER MONEY to exterminate the geese they consider a nuisance who live in the park system. We want the city of Madison to embrace NON LETHAL practices in Geese Management

  • Wisconsin's Unnecessary Decimation of Wolf Populations

    Wisconsin State Agencies are deciding the permissible amount of wolves to kill annually. Special interest groups are pushing for extreme levels of population culling. Wolves are necessary for an ecological balance protecting against economic and health human negative impacts.

  • What We Can Do

    How can you help protect these innocent animals? Join us in the fight with petition signings, shared media through social media, be a voice at a protest, and push legislators to represent the right thing.

Action you can get behind.

Hear the stories behind these issues. See the individuals like you, use their voice for the voiceless. Share with someone who you think should know about this.

Mahadma Gandhi

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

Albert Schweitzer

“Animal protection is education to humanity.”